Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Plan for Gathering - 2nd Day of Raya in Port Dickson

Hi there!

It's been 18 years since we left school. This is the time for us to get together and to remember the good old days in school.

With the requests from the old friends, we are looking for the ex-students of

i) Sekolah Menengah Dato' Haji Abdul Samad, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan (Batch SPM 88/89)
ii) Sekolah Menengah Rendah Sirusa, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan (Batch SRP 86/87)

to celebrate the Hari Raya together this year!

Wherever you are, we believe you will "balik kampung" to celebrate Hari Raya with your parents and this year will be more meaningful as you'll have your old school friends together!

Dear people, if you are the former students of the two schools or you know anyone from the schools, please let us know!

Our Raya gathering will be 2 months from now (14th August 2007)!


Mahfuzah Azahari said...

Hmm...very quiet so far...

domestic engineer said...

I proudly tell you that I was not only an ex-student of SMR Si-Rusa but also used to be a "guru ganti" there for three weeks sometime in April 1996 before I got posted to SDASA in May 1996. Yes, again I was not only an ex-SDASA student but my first posting was also at SDASA. That time Cikgu Malek was the principal. He knew me plus a few more teachers who could still me remember me. Bangga ooo anak murid SDASA jadi cikgu kat SDASA...Jadi perhatian kejap. Dah la masa datang masih anak dara lagi. Anyway, I became an English teacher there for only 10 months before I got married and followed my husband to Bandar Baru Bangi.

hoze said...

Pujah....... aku akan cuba balik ke pd on the 1st raya. kalau x, mana sempat nk jumpa korang. mgkn aku kena book flight pasal balik sorang. Aku x selalu balik a/setar, xkan nk balik kejap je ye tak? thn ni giliran utara. thn lepas patutnya buat... he he

hoze said...


office aku nye email ade problem. virus attack... aku x leh bukak semua attachment. tlg email pada add baru aku...



Mahfuzah Azahari said...

Yoo..bro hozir..nice to hear from you lah. Wow..that's a big sacrifice. I'm touched. Ada org duduk husband and wife org PD pun tak interested nak join the reunion. Thanks for ur support bro!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hi Pn moderator,
Slamat berpuasa. Tahniah plan gathering utk Xstdnt PD..could be 1st timer for this batch i guess

U may not know me but i do recognize u...

I may wrongly heard about this ..from Azmin thru Given 2 days ago...it sound something like this...Xsdasa plan gathering for Xsrkpd n Xstpd..

And yes it is. So i must inform Azmin and Given asap..as i heard quite a nos from Xstpd interested to participate....

Raya puasa mana..kalu sempat jgn lupa singga aa...ipan balik dr sudan ka...

Naza @ naja

Mahfuzah Azahari said...


Nice to hear about how excited whole PD is to have such gathering. We do open this reunion to the ex-student of other schools esp our neighboring school coz we believe we may share common friends, best example is Hozir and Irfan.

Do let me know who else do u want me to invite :)